Travels with Charlie – First Plane Ride


Michael Baugh CDBC CPDT-KSA

We planned Charlie’s first plane ride to Arizona for May. Then, we cancelled it. Then, the storm hit and off we went. This is the photoessay story of his big adventure.

Spoiler alert: Charlie did fine and absolutely loved Sedona.

But, like any big event with a dog, it took planning. I followed my three rules:

  • Train reliable and predictable patterns of behavior. For Charlie’s trip this included getting in and out of a small carrier on cue.
  • Set your dog up to succeed. We trained daily, primarily so we had a solid working relationship that I hoped would withstand the pressure of travel.
  • Keep your dog below threshold. This is dog trainer lingo that basically means help your dog stay calm and not freak out. Having taught Charlie to self-soothe with conditioned relaxation really helped a lot (see cover photo of him chilling out at the Phoenix airport).


Video of Charlie learning to get in his carrier

Charlie was a bit nervous waiting for our flight to board in Houston. This was a brand new experience for him and he had no idea what was going on. It’s okay to reassure your dog. Let him know you’re there and you’ve got his back. No, you are not reinforcing fear.

Charlie under the seat in front of me. I helped him through this part with some yummy snacks and petting. He trembled and panted turning taxi and take off. We did the best we could. Once in the air, Charlie fell asleep (in his carrier) on my lap.


Waiting for the rental car at the Phoenix airport.

Dogs (and people) make strong associations with places. Charlie, like Stella and Stevie before him, loved Sedona (see Charlie’s first hike below). I hope that pane rides become connected with fun trips for Charlie. The trip home was actually better than the trip out, so maybe it’s starting to happen already.

Charlie at the Phoenix airport before the return trip. Notice the relaxed down.

Hydrating before the flight is a good idea.

As fun as the trip was, it’s always nice to get back to your own bed.


Michael Baugh teaches dog training in Houston, TX. You can follow Charlie on Instagram to see his future adventures.

Dog Training – Stop Making it a Chore


Michael Baugh CDBC CPDT-KSA

The best way to train your dog is to stop thinking about it as training.

That might sound weird at first. I teach people how to train their dogs. Right? Yes, I do. I’ve also learned over the years that what we call training is really about much more than teaching our dogs routines and tricks.

Our dogs are always learning. We are too. Our dogs and we are also constantly teaching each other. I used the words always and constantly with intention. Sure, training sessions are great (let’s build some skills together). But, let’s also remember that the learning and teaching doesn’t stop at the end of a session. We are communicating with our dogs every waking moment we share with them. And each moment is an opportunity to learn and teach.

Here are some ideas to get us started.

Pay attention to your dog’s bids. John and Julie Gottman coined the term “bids” in interpersonal relationships. A bid is a request to connect. Bids can be big and overt or subtle. A bid from our dog can be a look, an approach, physical contact, or even the offering of a learned behavior.

Reinforce. It’s up to us to notice our dog’s bids and respond. To grow and foster a relationship, we should respond positively, accept the request for contact. The Gottmans call this “turning toward” the bid. We can (and should) take it a step further with our dogs. Reinforce behavior we’d like to see more of (e.g. polite greetings or our dog approaching when we call). Use food or play along with verbal praise. Turn towards your dog’s bid in a big way.

Place a bid of your own. It’s far too easy to ignore our dogs. We expect them to be good, and darned if we don’t miss “good” when it’s staring us right in the face. Stop. Smile at your dog. Talk to them. Get down low and invite some contact. Place a bid. See how they respond. Reinforce the responses you like most. See what happens next.

Now, you’re having a conversation with your dog. You’re learning. Your dog is learning. You are teaching each other. If you do this throughout the day, every day, training stops being a chore. It becomes something joyful you do with your dog. You play. You train. The line between the two becomes blurred. Both are just part of the partnership you and your dog have forged, day after day, little by little, one bid at a time.

Michael Baugh teaches dog training in Houston, TX. He specializes in aggressive dog training

You might also enjoy: Dog Training – It’s About the Relationship, Silly

Aggressive Dog Training – Communication with Your Trainer is Key to Success


Michael Baugh CDBC CPDT-KSA

Working with aggressive dogs demands attention to detail. We are setting our dog up to succeed, protecting him from known triggers, and keeping people safe around him. That’s a lot right there. We are also teaching our dog new skills and new patterns of behavior. We’d like our dog to learn better ways to relate to people, dogs, or other stressful situations.

Whew! Okay, let’s get started.

I love teaching this stuff, seeing dogs become more confident and relaxed. Even more, I love seeing people change how they think about and interact with their dogs. The process always works. That’s a big promise. Almost all my clients enjoy significant progress with their dogs.

Some, unfortunately, do not. The difference between successful and unsuccessful clients seems to hinge on staying connected with me between consultations. Clients who post updates and question in their online journal (we share a doc on google drive) do well. Those clients report more satisfaction and most require fewer consultations. Clients who do not journal, email, or text assimilate information more slowly and falter in training.

Why is this so? I have some ideas.

We need the repetition to get it right. Dog training is detail oriented. This is especially true when working with dogs who behave dangerously. My Aggressive Dog Training Foundations course is chock full of information. Live consultations are a great way to learn and practice training techniques. Still, it’s easy to forget some lessons. And, once we practice on our own, it’s easy to go astray. Journaling (or emailing or texting) is a great way to solidify lessons and fine tune training skills.

We need accountability. Many clients tell me they train more regularly because they have to report back to me in the journal. Okay. I like to think of the training journal as a way I serve my clients, a means of supporting them and helping build on their success. But, if some clients see it as homework that adds structure to their day and encourages their work with their dogs, that’s great! Who am I to argue?

We thrive on reinforcement. It’s true for our dogs. It’s true for us. We want to know if we’re getting it right. I have a great time serving as both coach and cheerleader for my clients and their dogs. Reinforcement is the engine that moves leaning forward.

Clients who do not communicate via journal, email, or text between visits lose all of this. There’s no repetition of key ideas or fine tuning of techniques. The acquisition of knowledge and skills slows down. There’s no built-in accountability. Training becomes less frequent. They miss out on reinforcement. The dog training process sputters or stalls altogether.

Make me earn my money. Journal. Text. Stay connected to me between our consultations. It will enhance your success, speed up your progress, and save you money.

And, if it matters to you at all, I love hearing from you.